Wednesday 13 August 2014

Let them express themselves

Must we treat each other like this,
Like we are all fighting some secret disease,
Passed on through means unknown,
Acting like we have the cure to it all.

So we hold our heads up,
Wrinkle our noses,
Knowing that we will never be like them,
Because we are special and they are different.

Different to the point they should be less than human,
Deserve nothing better than to be stoned to death,
Or be shamed for who they are,
Compared to dogs,
Yet made by the same creator

Justifying your deeds by holy books,
But altering it when you see fit,
How am I to trust anything you say,
When you can't even sacrifice for others,
Yet you preach love your neighbour.

So I stand up to say,
Let them express themselves,
Made this way by the Creator,
In His own image
We were made to love

Friday 1 August 2014

Down a hill in heels

She put them on even if she didn't feel like it,
Sick to her stomach with this feeling of doom,
How did she get here?
When did life get so serious?

She had to go through with this,
The screaming and kicking didn't pay for anything,
After her worth was decided,
Like a piece of cloth sold to a rich merchant.

What had she kept herself for?
Pure for a fantasy?
A fantasy that would never be,
Rich young and handsome is what she envisioned,
But instead,
Fat old and at least the rich ticked out.

This purity for 26 years,
All for not,
They deceived her all her life,
Her a third wife to him.