Friday, 7 February 2014

Date a girl who writes poetry

Date a girl who writes poetry because the human emotion is magnified to her. Not magnified in a sense of faked expressions and heavy sighs and gasps but in an internal lens only seen by her. Seen and held by her like a precious mirror encased in a locket and when she stares at you all she can see is a reflection of herself but a more attractive inspiring version. She looks for the best in the worst, for the highs in the lows, for the sweet in the bitter because when she pens it down the paper is the first to understand the impact of the situation.

Date a girl who writes poetry because sometimes you won't understand what she say, she might start to rumble on about a leaf, a smell,a tire oh yes you heard that right because you might see a tire but she sees an eternal fire that will spin and rise but only if you give her space to express then you will see what she sees and only then will you be let in to her world, her deepest secrets, her inner fears. Date a girl who writes poetry because with her words she is able to form scenes, scenes with you and her in them, scenes with dark bears in them, scenes mainly imagined and that show her biggest dreams whether its to lie in a stream or build a steam machine only her mind and her paper know.

Date a girl who writes poetry, because maybe just maybe she believes in poetic love, the Romeo and Juliette kind of love but with far less delusions that death is better life ,because having you there will be a reason for her to wake up stare at the sky and liken your free spirit to it. She may not be able to quote  Socrates, Plato or Diogenes but with her words entangled like a web she will be able to soothe your inner soul. If you are ever to break up with her she will mourn you and trust me there will be a poem or two inspired by the tears caused but that will help her build more memories and it's her therapy, her go-to safe place where she can be herself and move on better. If you are keen enough to never let go of her you will be her daily muse and a beautiful memory of you will be engraved in her heart like a wonderfully kept secret that only you two know the true meaning to. Date a girl who writes poetry